Let's Celebrate our Bi Community!

September marks Bisexuality Visibility Month, a time to shine and celebrate our  Bi Community!   The bisexual community has historically faced erasure both outside and inside our LGBTQ+ community.

I experienced a lot of this when I was first coming out in the 90s. I heard comments like this in the Lesbian community: 

  • Why don’t you pick a side?
  • Wow! You have so many more chances than I do to find someone. 
  • Oh, it’s just a phase
  • I can't date you because you slept with. . .

There were many of us who just wanted to "fit in" and hardly disclosed our Bi identities. These days, I do identify as Queer, but that's another conversation for another day. 

This month and beyond, let's raise awareness and break down these harmful stereotypes and ensure that our Bi community is properly loved and celebrated!

 - Stacy

P.S. Celebrate Bisexual Visibility Month and receive 10% off all items in our Bisexual Element Collection. Use the code BIVISIBLE2024 at checkout. 

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